
How to Take Steam Bath


One of the most effective but really used techniques in hydrotherapy is the steam bath, Steam Bath takes care of many ailments, which may be why people do not utilize the technique because it is tedious and requires more care. In the article, I will be showing you how to effectively take a steam bath at home easily, without all that expensive equipment.

Steam Bath Meaning


A steam bath is a healing process in which the whole body except the head is surrounded by moist warm air.

What is Sauna

sauna steam bath

Sauna is a heating treatment in which one sits on a bench in a room containing hot water vapor and the entire body from the head to the toes will be in the room

What Is Russian Bath


Russian bath is a heating treatment in which a person lies on a bench or slab in a room containing hot water vapor with the person’s head protruding from a small opening in the side of the room in this way the body receives the benefits of steam while the head remains outside.

Difference between Russian Bath and Sauna

In a Russian bath, the head is outside the room and thus remains cooler, and the lungs are filled with fresh air, while in the sauna the entire body is in the steam. Overheating of the head might lead to damage to the brain cells.

Difference between Sauna and Steam Room.

The difference between a sauna and a steam room is that a chair steam bath or sweat chair combines the advantages of both a Sauna and a Russian bath, it combines the vertical position of the Sauna and the protruding head of a Russian bath.

Steam Bath Equipment for Home

If you want to carry out a steam bath and you do not have a steam room or box, here is a simple way to carry it out and still get all the benefits the Steam Box or room has. First, you need the following;

  • 1 Wooden or strong plastic chair.
  • 1 Steam-producing device (for example electric skillet, coffee pot, tea kettle, large pot over a hot plate, etc).
  • 1 Large bucket or deep dish pan.
  • 1 basin of cold water (add ice if available).
  • 2 washcloths (for the cold compress to the head).
  • 2 to 3 Large towels.
  • 1 sheet.
  • 1 blanket.
  • A glass of water (and a drinking straw, optional but nice).
  • Optional but very nice, 1 Large piece of plastic (shower curtain works well).
  • Optional: 1 Large piece of plastic to put under the foot tub (to keep the bed or floor dry if needed).
  • Optional: cloth bag filled with crushed ice.

Steam Bath Procedure

Preparation for treatment.

  • Have the room warm, free of cold drafts, and all equipment assembled.
  • Place Steam producing source under the chair (if using a tea kettle, place so spout point towards the back of the chair). Make sure the heat source will not start a fire.
  • Drape one or two towels over the chairs so the steam does not burn the person.
  • Prepare the foot bath with enough warm water to cover the ankle (see caution under hot footbath)

Treatment proper

  •  Carefully immerse the person’s feet into the hot foot bath.
  • Completely wrapped the person and the foot tub in the sheets and blanket (you may use the shower curtain between the sheet and the blanket to keep the steam inside)
  •  Wrap a towel around the top of the blanket to keep the steam from escaping around the neck.
  • Leave the head and neck exposed.
  • When sweating occurs put a cold compress on the head (and neck if desired).
  • Help the person drink water freely throughout the treatment to replace the water lost in sweating.
  • Periodically add hot water to the foot bath to maintain heat. Place your hand between the hot water being poured and the person’s feet (to avoid burning the feet). Stir water while pouring.
  • Adjust steam as needed to a tolerable level throughout the treatment.
  • Check pulse frequently and if it rises above 120 beats per minute, decrease in production or apply an ice bag to the heart
  • Continue treatment for 15 to 20, minutes as tolerated


  • Remove steam producing source
  • Lift the feed out of the hot water and point the toes upward. Quickly poured cold water over the feet.
  • Remove the tub and place to feet on the dry towel. Thoroughly dry the feet and toes. put on warm socks or slippers to avoid chilling.
  • You may conclude the treatment with cold mitten friction followed by resting or alternatively wrap the person warmly with a sheet and blanket and let the person rest for a minimum of 30 minutes if extended sweating is desired.
  • Keep a cold cloth on the forehead while the person is resting.
  • Take a shower after resting to complete the treatment.

Steam Bath Precautions/Contraindications.

  • Do not give to a person with high blood pressure
  • Do not give to someone with a heart problem (including valvular disease or atherosclerosis)
  • Do not give to individuals with poor sensation to heat or diabetics.
  • Individuals who are extremely thin (emaciated)
  • Persons with a history of stroke.
  • Epilepsy

Steam Bath Uses

  • General detoxification of the body.
  • Cleaning conjunction.
  • Improve circulation.
  • Clean outer the skin
  • Treats acne.
  • Quickens recovery from delayed onset muscle soreness (workout pain).
  •  Increases flexibility and reduces joint pain.
  • Reduces stress by decreasing the flow of cortisol.
  • Enhance the release of endorphin (feel-good or happiness hormone).
  • Open up sinuses and mucous membranes.
  • Helps with malaria treatment.
  • Helps to burn calories.
  • Internal pain.
  • Prostrate problem.
  • Typhoid fever.
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Gout.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Detoxification from addictive substances, for example, alcohol, drug abuse, and nicotine withdrawal.

Disadvantages of Steam Bath

The disadvantages of steam baths are:

  • Steam baths can double your heart rate within 10 minutes making them unsuitable for individuals having heart-related problems.
  • Steam bath encourages the spread of germs as a moist and warm environment is a suitable breeding ground for viruses and bacteria.
  • Steam bath dehydrates the body due to the extreme sweating that is experienced during the treatment, so ensure to take adequate water before, during, and after the treatment.
  • Steam baths might cause dizziness or fainting if patients are not carefully monitored.

Steam Bath Advantages

The advantages of steam baths are numerous, a few have already been listed under steam bath uses. You can check them out.

Steam Bath Prices

The prices of steam baths differ depending on what you want and your budget.

Steam Bath for Rooms or Showers is between $1,500 to $3,000.

The portable personal steam room is between $95 to $400.

How to Steam The Face.

Steam for the face is also called steam inhalation, you can read the full article where all concerned and procedure for steam inhalation is addressed >>here @ steam inhalation<<

Is Steam Good for the face

Steam for the face or steam inhalation has proven to be beneficial for sinusitis, cold, cough, etc. read more at >>steam inhalation<<

How Long to Steam Face

It is advisable to steam the face for not more than 20 minutes less the face be damaged >>read more about steam inhalation or steam for the face here<<

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