
Rashes on Babies Body.

Rashes on Babies body

Rashes can be very discomforting to children, they are usually self-treatable and are no cause for alarm. In this write-up Rashes on Babies Body, we will be discussing types of rashes, causes of rashes, prevention of rashes, and natural remedies that treat rashes.

What are Rashes

Rashes can be defined as a widespread eruption of skin lesions characterized by an abnormal and noticeable change in the texture and color of the skin.

Simply, we can say rashes are Inflammation of the skin.

What is heat rash in babies?

Heat rash also known as pinky heat or miliaria is a bumpy, itchy, blister-like rash spread evenly across small patches of the skin.

What does heat rash look like on the baby?

Newborn skin is vulnerable to rashes of all kinds they are mostly harmless and go away on their own, below are some rashes and how they look like:

Common rashes for babies

pink pimples:

they are sometimes called baby’s acne, they look like small bumps usually white or red or pink in color often appearing on the body cheeks, nose the baby’s cheek nose, or forehead. They usually appear 2 to 4 weeks after birth. it is caused by maternal hormones the baby was exposed to in the womb, no treatment is needed it disappears after a few weeks or months.

Salmon Patches:

They are red or pink in color as the name implies they are flat irregular shaped patches that are noticeable mostly between the eyebrow or on one of the eyelids they are not itchy, or painful salmon Patches are simple nests of blood vessels probably caused by maternal hormones, they disappear on their own in a matter of weeks or months.

Erythema toxicum:

Erythema toxicum is another major type of rash on newly born babies, they start a few weeks after birth Erythema toxicum looks like tiny bumps and pus-filled, they are also flat patches, Erytoxicum differs with skin color. On babies with dark skin, Erythema toxicum looks Brown, purple, or grey in color while Erythema toxicum rashes look red on the skin of babies with lighter skin, Cause of Erythema toxicum is unknown, Erythema toxicum resolves without treatment after a few days or weeks.Milia:


Milia’s rashes look like tiny white or yellow bumps. Malia rashes appear mostly on babies faces, they are short-lived, might resolve within days to weeks, they are not itchy or painful but might cause discomfort, milia rashes are caused by blocking the oil gland, as the oil gland of a baby enlarges, and open up in few days or weeks milia rashes will appear.

Cradle Cap:

Cradle cap also known as Seborrheic dermatitis is a common and harmless skin condition on a baby\’s scalp, cradle cap is usually white or yellow in color. These greasy yellowish scales appear on the face, behind the ears, on the neck, or even t


Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis is an itchy inflammation of the skin, Eczema causes the skin to look dry rough, or flakey, they cause itchiness, swelling, and cracks in the skin, they are often seen in the baby\’s chest, arms, behind the knees, face or legs, they are caused by allergies, an overreaction of the immune system to some irritants, dry skin, skin infection, low-humidity, heat emotional stress, etc.

What Does a Heat Rash Look Like in a Baby

heat rash also known as prickly heat looks like small red bumps in babies. Heat rash is caused by blocked sweat ducts and traps sweat beneath the skin, heat rash appears mostly on the neck, diaper area, and armpit. The treatment for heat rash is to keep the area dry

Rashes all Over Baby’s Body no Fever.

Rashes are prone to appear on the skin of a newly born baby, fortunately, rashes are not harmful they are self-treated meaning that they disappear after a few weeks or months but you may need to consult your doctor if the rashes over the body are causing fever, if not there might be no cause for alarm.

Heat Rash in Baby Symptoms

Heat rash looks like a cluster of little blisters or pimples, heat rash usually appear in the fold of a baby\’s body like the chest, the neck, the stomach, the butt, and the crotch

What Causes Heat Rash in Babies

Heat rash is caused or appears when the sweat gland and skin pores are blocked. Conditions that might result in blocking of sweat gland include;

  • A humid or hot environment.
  • Cream used on the skin or hair.
  • Wearing clothes that make it difficult for air to get to the skin

Treatment for Heat Rash in Babies

Heat rash like other rashes go away on their own but here are possible things you could do to facilitate the healing of heat rash in babies.

  • Avoid hot or humid environments.
  • Wear little clothes or loose clothes like cotton.
  • Drink plenty of water. Be selective on ornaments or cream coconut oil is a good substitute.
  • Ensure heat rash area gets adequate air.
  • Keep the skin dry with an air conditioner or fan. Bath twice to remove waste and oil from the body of the child that might be clogging the skin.
  • In babies, ensure to pay attention to skin-fold, and make sure to keep the area dry.
  • Ensure to change diapers as soon as the baby wets them

Causes of Rashes in Babies

  • Foods such as chocolate, peanut, dairy products, wheat, egg, or meat. it has been estimated that 75% of children\’s skin rashes are caused by sensitivity to eggs.
  • Exposure to sun: Exposing a baby to midday sunlight may result in excessive sweating which clogs the skin of the baby and leads to prickly heat or heat rashes, it can result in sunburn, cancer, etc.
  • The use of certain lotions: The tender skin of a baby might react to the fragrance parabens and other chemicals used in the production of most body lotions, they may inflame the skin leading to rashes or eczema.
  • The use of wipes: Some babies react to the ingredients contained in babies wipes, the alcohol, fragrance, and preservative may irritate the skin of the baby and trigger contact dermatitis. This may be noticeable as diapers rashes that appear on the bottom
  • The use of harsh laundry detergents: some laundry detergents contain chemicals that irritate the skin of newborn babies, it is advised to use hypoallergenic laundry detergent and multiple rinse babies\’ clothing, bedding, etc, in order to get rid of all chemical traces contained in the detergents before drying.
  • The use of pesticides or insecticides.
  • The use of certain bathing soup.
  • The use of fabric softness and drying sheets.
  • Urine
  • Feces

Treatment for Rashes in Babies

  • use mild unscented soap and detergent
  • Try an oatmeal bath.
  • change diapers more frequently.
  •  try changing the diapers or laundry detergents used.
  •  use natural scent-free wipes.
  • avoids scrubbing the affected area.
  •  try different lotions
  • Try bigger diaper sizes if the present diaper is too tight.
  •  keep skin clean and dry
  • Keep track of any reaction to food, clothing items, etc.
  •  use shampoo and soap designed for babies specifically

Home Remedy For Heat Rashes in Babies

  • Apply a cold compress. It is a quick relief, soak a clean cloth in cool water, wring it out, and apply it to the area for 10 minutes. repeat as often as needed.
  • Better still, soak the cloth in comfrey tea or in calcium water, to make calcium water, take a spoonful of Calcium gluconate powder, add to a cup of water, and stir.
  • A wash of chamomile tea help reduces rashes. a poultice made from dandelion, yellow dock root, and chaparral helps alleviate many of them.
  • Ancient queens took turmeric milk baths for soft, supple, and glowing skin.  Similarly, drink turmeric milk for glowing skin. Soak turmeric milk in a cotton ball; apply to the affected area for 15 minutes to reduce skin redness and blotchy patches. This will make the skin more radiant and glowing than before.
  • Run warm bathwater against  2 cups of charcoal powder in a bathtub, then get in and soak yourself, if the rashes are just on the neck or arm(local area), place charcoal paste on it and wrap with a towel and then plastic wrap and leave it. for some minutes.
  •  tryouts oatmeal bath.
  • use fresh aloe vera.
  • use organic coconut oil
  • use tea tree oil
  • try baking soda
  • try and Epsom salt

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