
Locust Beans

Locust beans

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Today we will be discussing about locust beans, also popularly known as iru, it health benefits, and how it can be prepared.

Common names of locust beans

African locust bean, monkey cutlass tree, two ball nitta-tree, iru, fern leaf [English]; néré, nerre, arbre à farine, caroubier africain [French]; Farroba [Portuguese]; néré [Bambara]; dosso [Djerma]; runo [Kanouri]; rouaga [More]; netto, nété, nér [Mandika]; dawa-dawa, dawadawa, dadawa, ogiri okpi [Igbo]; narghi [Fulani]; netetou [Gambia]; kinds [Sierra Leone]; dours [Sudan]; mnienze, mkunde [Swahili]

What is locust beans

African locust bean is a versatile tree legume found throughout Africa. The seeds, fruit pulp, and leaves are used to make a variety of meals and beverages, as well as to feed animals and poultry.

Did you know that locust beans are a food species of regional and worldwide importance? It is not a common dietary item in various African communities, but rather a medicinal food and a source of revenue. The locust bean, also known as iru by Yorubas and ‘ogiri’ or ‘dawa dawa’ by Igbos, is a native spice or condiment used in soups and stews.

It is known as African locust bean and has the scientific name Parkia biglobosa. It is a famous soup component all around the world. It’s not attractive to look at, and the stench is at best disagreeable. Aside from these, Locust Bean is the single most important ingredient that will transform your soups, stews, or mixed veggies from good to excellent.

It grows in a variety of habitats throughout Africa and is mostly planted for its pods, which contain both a delicious pulp and valuable seeds. The most useful components of the locust bean are high in lipid (29%), protein (35%), carbohydrate (16%), and are an excellent source of fat and calcium for rural residents. The locust beans product should be powdered and packed in various sizes in plastics for easier distribution.

According to local studies, locust bean promotes healthy vision and keeps hypertension and disorders like stroke and diabetes at bay. It also has tannins, which are astringent compounds present in many plants. Tannin-rich foods are frequently advised for the treatment of diarrhoea

The carob used to make locust bean gum contains soluble fiber from the galactomannan family. It, like other types of soluble fibre, has showed promise in terms of weight loss and blood sugar regulation. The African locust bean tree has also been shown to be miraculous. For example, the pulverized bark of the tree is used in wound healing and as one of the elements in the treatment of leprosy. In Cote d’Ivoire, the bark decoction is also used as a bath for fever and as a hot mouth wash to steam and alleviate toothache.

According to local studies, locust bean promotes healthy vision and keeps hypertension and disorders like stroke and diabetes at bay. It also has tannins, which are astringent compounds present in many plants. Tannin-rich foods are frequently advised for the treatment of diarrhoea

The carob used to make locust bean gum contains soluble fibre from the galactomannan family. It, like other types of soluble fibre, has showed promise in terms of weight loss and blood sugar regulation. The African locust bean tree has also been shown to be miraculous. For example, the pulverized bark of the tree is used in wound healing and as one of the elements in the treatment of leprosy. In Cote d\’Ivoire, the bark decoction is also used as a bath for fever and as a hot mouth wash to steam and alleviate toothache.

Another study published in the Science Journal in Dakar, Senegal, tested locust beans on rats to see whether they had any effect on blood pressure regulation. The results revealed that proper dosages of locust beans helped to lower arterial blood pressure. The data revealed that the diastolic blood pressure measurement was reduced more than the systolic blood pressure. It also unveiled the several marvels of the African locust bean tree. The pulverized bark of the African locust bean tree, for example, is used in wound healing and is one of the substances used to cure leprosy.

Locust beans are added to everything, not only because they taste excellent and may be a more flavorful option to other spice cubes, but also because of their health advantages, which include vision enhancement, digestive help, and much more.

Locust Beans Benefits

1. It improves vision:

According to the Nigerian Tribune on March 9, 2017, locust beans can aid improve vision. This conclusion was reached after doing local study. So, if you know someone who has trouble seeing, a healthy dosage of locust beans every now and again can assist

2. It aids in blood pressure control:

High blood pressure may affect anybody, and the prevalence is rising in Nigeria. \”The African area has the greatest prevalence of hypertension, estimated at 46 percent of persons aged 25 and above,\” according to the World Health Organization. However, the rate can be reduced. Researchers in Senegal fed locust beans to rats to see whether it had any influence on blood pressure. The findings revealed that an appropriate amount did help lower arterial blood pressure. This is a compelling incentive to consume more locust beans.

3. It can aid in weight reduction:

Locust bean gum includes soluble fiber, which has the potential to aid in weight loss and blood sugar management.

4. Locust beans contain tannins:

Locust beans contain tannins, which can aid in the treatment of diarrhea. Tannins are a kind of chemical found in tea, red wine, chocolate, coffee, and some fruits. Some tannins are polyphenols, whereas others are antioxidants. They prevent heart disease and cavities by fighting cavities. When you\’re suffering from diarrhea, consider cooking with locust beans as a therapy.

Locust beans contain tannins, which can aid in the treatment of diarrhea. Tannins are a kind of chemical found in tea, red wine, chocolate, coffee, and some fruits. Some tannins are polyphenols, whereas others are antioxidants. They prevent heart disease and cavities by fighting cavities. When you\’re suffering from diarrhea, consider cooking with locust beans as a therapy.

5. Respiratory Infection Treatment:

To treat respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, cold, cough, and fever, it can be infused or soaked in liquid. The combination must be consumed and gargled by the patient.

6. Gastrointestinal Disorders Treatment

Locust beans (IRU) is also high in tannins, therefore the seeds, roots, stems, barks, fruits, flowers, and leaves can all be utilized to treat gastrointestinal disorders including diarrhoea and ulcer.

7. Antioxidant Capabilities:

Iru has the potential to reduce free radicals and is an antioxidant for detoxifying the body since the fruit contains a significant quantity of polyphenols, which accounts for most of its anti-oxidizing abilities. The anti-oxidant capabilities of iru fruit extracts are quite comparable to ascorbic acid.

The pods of the “Parkia biglobosa,” commonly known as the African locust bean or néré, are used to make iru. Iru is still primarily produced using traditional, often crude processes. Among them are

How Is Locust Beans Made

  • Sourcing Nere (Iyere, as Yorubas name it) seeds from farmers or the market
  • Boiling it until it is soft,
  • To remove the husks from the boiling seeds, pound them (In some places to remove the husk, the boiled seeds are trampled on with feet in a large bowl or designated area)
  • Using a basket to continuously rinse in water,
  • Sorting,
  • Repeat the boiling procedure, pressing until all of the husks are removed, washing, and sorting
  • The clean, fresh Iru is then placed in calabashes, covered with banana leaves or gmelina arborea leaves, and fermented for three days.
  • This develops the flavor of the Iru, as well as yeast. On the third day, a considerable amount of salt is added to the Iru to slow down the fermentation and inhibit the growth of additional bacteria.


Iru (dawa dawa) is used to season stews, sauces, and other meals such as rice and local salads. It was one of the most popular condiments in West Africa before to the introduction of bouillon cubes, and it is now a viable substitute for bouillon cubes due to its nutritional and health advantages. It has a strong scent that is not especially appealing, but the obvious umami flavor enriches the taste so much in a sauce or stew. In ila alasepo, ewedu, egusi soup or efo riro, and obe ata dindin, a tiny bit of fermented locust beans enhances the flavor in a wonderful way

There are two kinds of iru in Yoruba land: “iru woro” and “iru pete.” The inclusion of “kuuru,” an extract from the zobo (Hibiscus sabdariffa) plant during the fermentation of iru pete, distinguishes the two. Iru pete has a mushy look, but iru woro seeds are entire and have a bite to them when eaten.It is critical to wash fermented locust beans before using them since the original processing procedure may have left behind stone or sand residue


Fermentation not only aids in the development of the flavor and perfume of iru (dawa dawa), but it also aids in its preservation. In the tropical heat, this, together with salting and occasionally drying, helps to prolong the product’s shelf-life without refrigeration. Fresh iru may be kept in the fridge for a few weeks and in the freezer for months. Dried Iru may be stored in a cold, dry area for months. It should be stored in an airtight container to prevent the odor from permeating the storage space.

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